تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

مركز المعارف


عرض 217 - 228 من 589

مذكرة توجيهية
  • pdf
  • 28.07.2022
  • EN  |  FR  |  ES

Producing high-quality teachers in Latin America

This policy brief reviews the global debate on how to produce high-quality teachers, and connects that debate with conditions prevailing in Latin America. It discusses diverse approaches to the...
  • pdf
  • 27.07.2022
  • EN  |  FR  |  ES

Teachers in Ibero-America. Insights from PISA and TALIS

This report uses OECD data, primarily from the PISA 2015 and TALIS 2013 cycles, and seeks to evaluate the Ibero-American teaching profession in support of policy makers across the region. It provides...