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عرض 505 - 516 من 589

  • pdf
  • 08.04.2020
  • EN

Report Summary and Recommendations LAC

Report Summary and Recommandation: Latin America and Caribbean Conference on Advancing the Teaching Profession achieving Education for All goals - November 2012 UNICEF, CARICOM and UNESCO The Latin...
كتيب/نشرة إعلانية
  • pdf
  • 08.04.2020
  • EN

Advocacy Toolkit

The Teachers Task Force, Education for All Global Monitoring Report (EFA-GMR) team and the Education International have produced an Advocacy Toolkit for Teachers, which underscores the importance of...
وثيقة اجتماع
  • pdf
  • 08.04.2020
  • EN

TVET inception workshop

Final Report: INCEPTION WORKSHOP ON POLICIES AND PRACTICIES ON TVET TEACHERS AND INSTRUCTORS IN THE ARAB REGION - 2013 International Task Force on Teachers for Education for All The study is part of a...
  • pdf
  • 08.04.2020
  • EN

Through a ‘Teacher Lens’

The 2010 Education for All Global Monitoring Report through a 'Teacher Lens', a preliminary draft produced by The International Task Force on 'Teachers for Education for All' Secretariat
وثيقة اجتماع
  • pdf
  • 08.04.2020
  • EN

Rapport de l'atelier de Dakar, 2011

Rapport de l’atelier d’experts sur le thème : Remédier à la pénurie d’enseignants pour réaliser l’EPT : comment rendre les politiques et les pratiques efficaces ? - Decembre 2011 Equipe Spéciale sur...
وثيقة اجتماع
  • pdf
  • 08.04.2020
  • EN

Hanoi workshop report

Report of the Hanoi Workshop Addressing the EFA Teacher Gap: What Makes Effective Policies and Practices in Asian Countries? Case Studies on: Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Vietnam - November 2011...