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  • Todd R. Kelley,
    J. Geoffery Knowles,
    Jung Han
  • 2020
  • 13
  • 776.13 Ko
  • pdf
  • EN  |  ES
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Increasing high school teachers self-efficacy for integrated STEM instruction through a collaborative community of practice

Teacher self-efficacy can significantly affect student learning. Researchers investigated the effects of teacher professional development and integrated STEM curriculum development on teacher self-efficacy. Participants in the study included high school science and engineering technology teachers enrolled in a National Science Foundation–ITEST project called Teachers and Researchers Advancing Integrated Lessons in STEM (TRAILS). The TRAILS program sought to prepare teachers to integrate STEM content using engineering design, biomimicry, science inquiry, and 3D printing as pedagogical approaches. Teachers learned within a community of practice working alongside industry partners and college faculty.

The results indicate the science teachers’ self-efficacy increased after professional development and after lesson implementation. Potential implications from this research suggest that the science teacher participants benefited greatly from learning within a community of practice, engaging in science practices, and using science knowledge to solve a real-world problem (engineering design).