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  • Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
  • 2022
  • 82
  • 1.9 Mo
  • pdf
  • EN  |  ES
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Teachers in crisis contexts. Promising practices in teacher well-being, management, and school leadership

This is one of the two volumes of the second edition of the compilation "Promising Practices in Teacher Management, Professional Development, and Well-being in crisis contexts", published by INEE in 2019. The first edition presented 24 case studies, which are included in the second edition alongside 18 new case studies.

The second edition sees the light following reflections triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Before the pandemic, evidence was promoted showing that skilled teachers are the strongest school level predictor of student learning. The relationship between teacher well-being and students’ social and emotional development was also emphasized. While such facts remain true, COVID-19 has helped recognize how the instrumentalization of teachers for student development and well-being is insufficient. As a population affected by and working at the frontlines of humanitarian emergencies, teachers require urgent attention and investment as an end unto itself.

This volume focuses on promising practices in teacher well-being, management, and school leadership and presents 19 case studies. The other volume of this second edition focuses on promising practices in teacher professional development and can be accessed here.