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  • Education Development Trust,
    UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)
  • 2022
  • 23
  • 420.77 Ko
  • pdf
  • EN
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Ensuring effective teacher management in refugee settings: Public schools in Jordan. Policy brief

This policy brief aims to provide research-informed policy guidance for the effective management of elementary-level teachers in public schools catering to Syrian refugees in Jordan. The guidance is intended to support the Ministry of Education (MoE) and other key stakeholders at multiple levels of governance in developing and implementing teacher management policies, with the overall goal of improving teacher management in refugee settings.

The brief builds on the key objectives, strategies and initiatives set out in key policy documents, including the country’s Education Strategic Plan 2018–2022 (ESP), the National Strategy for Human Resource Development 2016–2025 (NSHRD) and the Jordan Response Plan 2018–2020 (JRP), as well as on findings from the study entitled Teacher Management in Refugee Settings: Public Schools in Jordan.