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  • Public Policy and Management Institute,
    European Commission
  • 2017
  • 113
  • 300.99 Ko
  • pdf
  • EN  |  AR
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Preparing teachers for diversity. The role of initial teacher education. Final report

Even though the diversity found in European societies is not a new phenomenon, its nature is rapidly changing. Europe is becoming increasingly diverse due to intra-European mobility, international migration and globalisation. The growing number of refugee, asylum seeker and migrant children entering Europe places specific demands on schools and teachers. These phenomena lead teachers to re-consider their everyday practices and strategies to meet the learning needs of these pupils.

In this context, this report discusses how initial teacher education (ITE) prepares student teachers to deal with diversity in the classroom and to teach about diversity in society. The report consolidates existing knowledge, gathers new evidence and presents key recommendations for national policy-makers, ITE providers and EU-level stakeholders.