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  • International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030
  • 2022
  • 42
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  • EN

Innovation in teacher policy and practice in education recovery. Final Report of the 13th Policy Dialogue Forum

This report on innovation in teacher policy and practice summarizes the key issues raised during the plenary and breakout sessions of the 13th Policy Dialogue Forum in Kigali, Rwanda, 2–3 December, 2021. The discussion is illustrated with examples of innovative approaches and policies, and good practice in harnessing innovative capacity and policy development presented throughout the Forum.

Examples have been chosen for their originality, to illustrate how innovation is driven by the local context, and to prompt changes in the thinking around teaching, teacher education and education policy.

In addition, the report offers actionable policy recommendations for Teacher Task Force (TTF) members and beyond, including ministries, civil society organizations, international organizations and donors that will foster different forms of innovation in support of education transformation to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, including Target 4c related to teachers.

Read more about the 13th Policy Dialogue Forum on innovation in teacher policy and practice.