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  • 27.01.2023

Digital credentials and Open Badges: a revolution for Education and Training?

Digital credentials are an emerging phenomenon all over the world, that can capture, recognise and validate a broader range of learning outcomes than traditional certification schemes, saving time and money for certificate issuers, retaining control over the validity of credentials and increasing visibility of skills. But: is this relevant for educators, and how?

The European Commission has recently launched its Europass Digital Credential Issuer, a free‑of‑charge web-app that allows credential-awarding bodies to prepare and issue degrees, diplomas or other learning credentials to learners in the form of European Digital Credentials for Learning.

Open Badges are a widely adopted type of digital credentials, that contain verifiable metadata about achievements according to a common data format and are presented as visual symbols of accomplishment. In 2023, the ETF Community of Innovative Educators will start issuing Open Badges to recognise the achievement of those members who submitted a teaching innovation practice and who have been particularly active in the community. During the webinar, the first set of ETF Open Badges will be showcased.

At the end of the webinar, an open session will take place to collect ideas from the community members on new activities to be developed within the community.

On the Agenda: 

➡️ The digital credentials revolution: why is it important for educators? Anthony Camilleri, KIC

➡️ The European Commission strategy for digital credentials, Koen Nomden, European Commission (TBC)

➡️ Open Badges at work: get your badge through the ETF Community of Innovative Educators, Simone Ravaioli 

➡️ How to implement micro and open credentials in daily work of schools, Questions and Answers session – moderated by Fabio Nascimbeni, ETF

➡️ Co-creation session 

The event will take place online on the Zoom platform and will be delivered in English, Russian and Arabic. 

How to register? Please fill in the the registration form

After registering you will receive the link to access the meeting. 

  • 27.01.2023

Digital credentials and Open Badges: a revolution for Education and Training?

Digital credentials are an emerging phenomenon all over the world, that can capture, recognise and validate a broader range of learning outcomes than traditional certification schemes, saving time and money for certificate issuers, retaining control over the validity of credentials and increasing visibility of skills. But: is this relevant for educators, and how?

The European Commission has recently launched its Europass Digital Credential Issuer, a free‑of‑charge web-app that allows credential-awarding bodies to prepare and issue degrees, diplomas or other learning credentials to learners in the form of European Digital Credentials for Learning.

Open Badges are a widely adopted type of digital credentials, that contain verifiable metadata about achievements according to a common data format and are presented as visual symbols of accomplishment. In 2023, the ETF Community of Innovative Educators will start issuing Open Badges to recognise the achievement of those members who submitted a teaching innovation practice and who have been particularly active in the community. During the webinar, the first set of ETF Open Badges will be showcased.

At the end of the webinar, an open session will take place to collect ideas from the community members on new activities to be developed within the community.

On the Agenda: 

➡️ The digital credentials revolution: why is it important for educators? Anthony Camilleri, KIC

➡️ The European Commission strategy for digital credentials, Koen Nomden, European Commission (TBC)

➡️ Open Badges at work: get your badge through the ETF Community of Innovative Educators, Simone Ravaioli 

➡️ How to implement micro and open credentials in daily work of schools, Questions and Answers session – moderated by Fabio Nascimbeni, ETF

➡️ Co-creation session 

The event will take place online on the Zoom platform and will be delivered in English, Russian and Arabic. 

How to register? Please fill in the the registration form

After registering you will receive the link to access the meeting. 

  • pdf
  • 25.01.2023
  • FR  |  ES  |  AR

How can teaching be professionalized?

In recent decades, several educational systems in Latin America have undertaken reforms to professionalize teaching. In this current study, the Latin American Coalition for Teaching Excellence, in...
Declaration / Statement
  • pdf
  • 01.12.2022
  • FR  |  ES  |  AR

Youth declaration on transforming education

The Youth Declaration was presented as young people’s inputs to the Transforming Education Summit Chair Summary/Secretary-General’s Vision Statement. Its aim is to drive political commitment on the...
  • 30.11.2022

Zambia - National stakeholders meeting on the institutionalisation of social dialogue for teachers and the development of a comprehensive teacher policy

The purpose of this in-person national meeting is to create awareness about the teacher policy framework developed with UNESCO and IICBA’s support through the Capacity Development for Education Programme (CapED), foster national ownership, ensure sustainability in implementation, and to engage stakeholders in the key issues and the roadmap for the development of the comprehensive teacher policy in Zambia.

As part of the meeting organized by the Teacher Council of Zambia with CapED’s support, the Teacher Task Force will present its Teacher Policy Development Guide - a key reference designed to assist national decision-makers and education officials to develop evidence-informed national teacher policies as integrated components of national education sector plans or policies, aligned to national development plans and strategies.

The following are the specific objectives of this joint meeting:

  1. to launch and disseminate the developed national framework for social dialogue for teachers in Zambia
  2. to discuss the importance of social dialogues towards improving the status of the teaching profession, teacher quality, teaching and learning in line with the new education 2030 agenda, CESA (2016-20) and ILO recommendations (1966/1997);
  3. to identify mechanisms for scaling up the institutionalizing social dialogues for teachers in the education sector
  4. to identify and discuss key issues affecting the teaching profession in the Zambian education sector
  5. to develop a clear roadmap for developing a comprehensive teacher policy to guide the Ministry of Education in attracting, developing, managing and retaining effective and quality teachers for improved education service delivery
  • 09.11.2022

National and Regional Policy Learning - Online Conversations

As part of action line 3 on National and Regional Policy Learning, the Teacher Task Force is organizing a series of online discussions to take place per regional groups on the virtual Knowledge Platform Working Space - space dedicated to members of the TTF network.

The conversations will be a unique opportunity to engage with other TTF members from your region and learn first-hand from their policy experiences on difference dimensions of teacher education and professional development.

Each region will have contextualised questions posted on their regional group on the TTF Working Space and will take place on the following dates:


During the 2-week period, members are encouraged to post their answers to the questions posted in the discussion forum of the regional group on the TTF Working Space. Exchanges will be asynchronous, and members will be able to post comments whenever it is most convenient during this period. 

The input shared by the group during the online conversations will contribute to shape the program for the 2nd policy learning workshop to be held early next year. 

Members should have received instruction to participate in the online conversations, if you have any questions, please contact Meritxell Fernandez ( from the TTF Secretariat.

These conversations are exclusively for TTF members.

  • 09.11.2022

National and Regional Policy Learning - Online Conversations

As part of action line 3 on National and Regional Policy Learning, the Teacher Task Force is organizing a series of online discussions to take place per regional groups on the virtual Knowledge Platform Working Space - space dedicated to members of the TTF network.

The conversations will be a unique opportunity to engage with other TTF members from your region and learn first-hand from their policy experiences on difference dimensions of teacher education and professional development.

Each region will have contextualised questions posted on their regional group on the TTF Working Space and will take place on the following dates:


During the 2-week period, members are encouraged to post their answers to the questions posted in the discussion forum of the regional group on the TTF Working Space. Exchanges will be asynchronous, and members will be able to post comments whenever it is most convenient during this period. 

The input shared by the group during the online conversations will contribute to shape the program for the 2nd policy learning workshop to be held early next year. 

Members should have received instruction to participate in the online conversations, if you have any questions, please contact Meritxell Fernandez ( from the TTF Secretariat.

These conversations are exclusively for TTF members.

  • 09.11.2022

National and Regional Policy Learning - Online Conversations

As part of action line 3 on National and Regional Policy Learning, the Teacher Task Force is organizing a series of online discussions to take place per regional groups on the virtual Knowledge Platform Working Space - space dedicated to members of the TTF network.

The conversations will be a unique opportunity to engage with other TTF members from your region and learn first-hand from their policy experiences on difference dimensions of teacher education and professional development.

Each region will have contextualised questions posted on their regional group on the TTF Working Space and will take place on the following dates:


During the 2-week period, members are encouraged to post their answers to the questions posted in the discussion forum of the regional group on the TTF Working Space. Exchanges will be asynchronous, and members will be able to post comments whenever it is most convenient during this period. 

The input shared by the group during the online conversations will contribute to shape the program for the 2nd policy learning workshop to be held early next year. 

Members should have received instruction to participate in the online conversations, if you have any questions, please contact Meritxell Fernandez ( from the TTF Secretariat.

These conversations are exclusively for TTF members.