Call for papers - The Journal of Multicultural Affairs
Quand: | Lundi 7 décembre 2020 - 00:00 - Lundi 18 janvier 2021 - 00:00 |
Organisateurs: |
Educators’ Voices Amplifying Research, Reason & Rhyme: Stepping Out of the Shadows of COVID-19
The pandemic has changed the educational landscape in an unforeseen and unpredictable fashion. The unexpected changes have caused some educators to feel powerless, voiceless, and invisible; while others have felt empowered, supported, and heard. Each educator has had a unique experience during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Guest Editors of the Journal of Multicultural Affairs would like to invite educators to share the analysis of those experiences to inform others. The purpose of the Special Issue, “Educators’ Voices Amplifying Research, Reason & Rhyme: Stepping Out of the Shadows of COVID-19,” is for people engaged in education to share their research, personal experiences, reviews, and poetry that highlight their lived experiences.
The focus of the Journal of Multicultural Affairs (JMA) is to promote cross-disciplinary, multiculturally based work. JMA defines multicultural affairs as the affairs that affect the many faces of society, disrupt homogeneous thinking, fight for social equity, and seek social justice. JMA is focused on bridging the gap between all settings and seeks to provide a platform for our audience to share their work in multicultural affairs and to engage in vital multicultural dialogue.
Projected Publication of Special Issue: Summer 2021, Volume 6(2)
Manuscripts can be submitted HERE or
For Special Issue inquiries, please contact The Guest Editors at
Guidelines for Authors
- Submission length will vary by topic and format.
Research-based submissions should be between 3,000 to 6,000 words and include an abstract and keywords (general acceptance rate: 20-30%).
Personal experience submissions should be between 1,200 to 2,500 words.
Poetry submissions do not have a minimum word count but should not surpass 500 words without consulting the Guest Editor.
All submissions must follow the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2020, 7th ed.).
Submissions must be double-spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman serif fonts, except within tables and figures or creative submissions
Tables, and figures should be placed in the appropriate location within the document accompanied by numbered titles.
- Authors must prepare their submissions for blind, peer-review including masking their identity in the text and in the references so the document creators are not easily revealed, nor the participants nor locations (without consent to do so). For more details, please review APA (2020) Section 12.7. Ideally, authors making a submission benefit by volunteering to also review a submission for the same issue.
- A complete cross-check for all entries in the reference section should indicate on what page(s) they are cited. This list is for the editors and reviewers, but not for publication.
- The history of colonialism and hegemonic oppression includes renaming peoples, tribes, nations, lands, and places. In an anti-colonial, anti-racist, Indigenous positioning to reject this practice, Guest Editor Dr. Huber requires full names with the initial introduction of people, as well as for all authors and editors, as the names appear on the quoted source, and in all references. This is a modification of APA (2020) 7th edition guidelines. An illustration follows along with the inclusion of the cross-check of references to show where they appear in the submission.
Projected Timeline
2020-12-02 First Call for Papers. Call for Reviewers.
2020-12-08 First Report on Distribution and Posting of Call for Papers.
2020-12-15 Second Call for Papers.
2021-01-02 Encouraged, but not required: an (a) abstract, (b) outline, or (c) introduction of the submission to be made by February 21. For a submission to be complete, please include a full APA (2020, 7th ed.) professional title page (Figure 2.1), including author/s, affiliation/s, corresponding author and full contact details. Editors anticipate making a decision within a week of receiving the proposal for submission and will respond with (a) an invitation to make a full submission, (b) an invitation to make a full submission with specified edits or development, or (c) rejection of the submission for the special issue.
2021-01-18 Third Call for Papers.
2021-02-02 Full review begins.
2021-02-21 Last day to make a submission. Reviewers will be asked to review within 2-3 weeks.
2021-03-31 Editors collectively create a composite of feedback and determine (a) accept, (b) accept with minor revisions, (c) major revisions required for acceptance (c) rejection.
2021-04-15 Authors submit final revisions with explication of changes made in response to feedback.
2021-05-30 Full issue ready for copy-editing.