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  • Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia
  • 2015
  • 24
  • 4.47 Mo
  • pdf
  • EN

Teacher policy action plan. Cambodia

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of Cambodia developed the Education Strategic Plan 2014-2018 with the ambition to develop human capital to lead the transformation of Cambodia to an upper-middle income country by 2030 and a developed nation by 2050. The key factor in student learning is high quality teachers and the most pressing issue is how to attract academically sound, committed and competent students to enter the teaching profession.

The first step in reforming the national teacher recruitment and training system was the Teacher Policy approved in 2013. As the next step, this Teacher Policy Action Plan was formulated, aiming to provide clearer direction for systemic reform and implementation. It includes concrete pgorams, activities, timelines, expected outcomes, and projected budget for implementation from 2015-2020.

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