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Regional and Constituency Meetings

Cuándo: Lunes, Febrero 1, 2021 - 10:00 - Viernes, Febrero 5, 2021 - 17:00
Zona horaria:
  • International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030

The International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (TTF) will organise a series of virtual governance meetings with TTF members in early 2021. The aim of the meetings will be to provide TTF members with the opportunity to report back on activities carried out in their respective countries or organisations in 2020 and identify needs and potential new areas of collaboration in 2021. Members will also be able to discuss any new issues in relation to teachers and teaching arising from the COVID-19 crisis.

The meetings will also serve to fulfil any governance functions, notably to review the 2020 Annual Report and the 2021 Work Plan, and elect representatives to the TTF Steering Committee who are due for rotation or re-election.

The draft calendar is proposed as follows:


Regional & constituency meetings (1-5 February)
The Regional and constituency meetings will aim to bring together TTF focal points and members only, and aim to:

  • Discuss and report on issues and activities in 2020 in relation to teacher and teaching developments in their country/regions or constituency group;
  • Review the TTF 2020 Annual Report and 2021 Work Plan, and identify any existing or potentially new activities of particular interest to their respective region or group;
  • Discuss the development of the new 2022-2025 Strategic Plan and identify any issues to prioritise. Communicate with members that a consultation process will take place later in the year, and identify any members interested in being involved in the reference group for its development;
  • Take note of new members, updates in focal points. In the regions where appropriate, nominations will be communicated and elections of new Steering Committee representatives will take place.
  • Identify any other issues to be brought to the attention of the TTF Secretariat or Steering Committee, or for discussion during the Annual Meeting (rapporteur to be identified).

For these meetings, invitations will be sent by the Secretariat, except for the CSO group with whom the Secretariat will liaise for organisation. Each Focal point will be invited to prepare in advance 2 slides to share with the group:

1) Slide 1 – main challenges and achievements for teachers in 2020
2) Slide 2– Suggestions for joint TTF activities in 2021 within the region, or globally (including documents that could be shared in the Knowledge Platform)


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