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  • 2016
  • 46
  • 4.21 MB
  • pdf
  • EN

A Teacher's guide on the prevention of violent extremism

Violent extremism and the underlying forces of radicalization are among the most pervasive challenges of our time. While violent extremism is not confined to any age, sex, group or community, young people are particularly vulnerable to the messages of violent extremists and terrorist organizations. In the face of such threats, young people need relevant and timely learning opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that can help them build their resilience to such propaganda. These competencies can be developed with the help of confident, well-prepared and respected teachers, who are in extensive contact with young people. With this concern in mind, this Guide was designed for teachers in upper primary, lower secondary and upper secondary education. It was also developed with the hope that it can support the efforts of teachers working in both formal and non-formal educational settings.

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