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Transforming Education Starts with Teachers

Cuándo: Miércoles, Junio 29, 2022 - 13:30 - Miércoles, Junio 29, 2022 - 15:30
Zona horaria:
  • Education International
  • International Labour Organization
  • International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030
  • World Bank

The transformation of education requires an empowered education workforce which are professionalised, trained, motivated and supported. This entails having an adequate number of qualified teachers who are provided with quality initial training and continuous professional development throughout their careers; the improved status and working conditions of teaching personnel, including the recognition of their leadership and potential for innovation. 
This ambition will not be realized without comprehensive teacher policies which are developed with teachers and their representative organizations, which are fully costed and part of education sector plans.

Join us for a panel discussion which will explore a new global initiative to support the transformation of teaching by means of participatory policymaking and teacher professional development. It will examine what works and what needs to happen to support comprehensive policy development and implementation, including financing.

Speakers: representatives of Ministries of Education, representatives of Nigeria, Romania and South Africa,  as well as the ILO, the World Bank, Education International, UNESCO and the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030. 

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