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  • 2017
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10th International Policy Dialogue Forum - Report

Teaching: a profession

Report from the 10th Policy Dialogue Forum held in Lomé, Togo from 18 to 21 September 2017.

Today’s world needs highly skilled professional teachers who can shape the future citizens of the world we want to live in. A professionally-qualified teaching workforce can address two challenges in achieving SDG 4: First, a professionally-qualified teacher can ensure the public that the individual at the front of the classroom possesses the minimum required qualifications and competencies to facilitate quality learning. Second, teaching, as a profession, can improve the status of teaching, generally perceived to be a low-status profession.While many advancements have been made in the last few decades to professionalize teaching in developed countries, progress in developing countries has been slow.For this reason, the organizers of the 10th Policy Dialogue Forum have chosen the theme: “Teaching: A profession”.

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