Lessons learned: How can the middle tier improve teaching and learning?
متى؟ | الثلاثاء, فبراير 21, 2023 - 09:30 - الثلاثاء, فبراير 21, 2023 - 11:00 |
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A key element of solving the teaching and learning crisis worldwide is better supporting teachers to deliver quality education. While it may be easy to think only of school- or high-level interventions, there are key actors at the middle tier of education systems who are uniquely effective in providing this support.
In this first of the two planned webinars, UNESCO International Institute of Educational Planning (IIEP) and Education Development Trust (EDT) will examine how instructional leaders positioned at the middle tier of education systems can improve teaching and learning.
Learn about the second webinar, planned for 23 February, here.
Celebrating the launch of a new research report from IIEP and EDT, Leading teaching and learning together: the role of the middle tier, the webinars will explore the role of a critical but too often neglected set of actors: those working at the ‘middle’ of education systems, such as district education officers, network facilitators, supervisors or teacher mentors. Together, these actors can contribute to improving the quality of education, by acting as mediators of new policies to the frontline and instructional leaders who work across schools to support the improvement of teaching and learning. The webinar will highlight promising practices for policymakers globally and bring key thought leaders into conversation with country experts and middle-tier leaders.
For more information and to register consult this page.