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  • 19.05.2023

2023 Global Report on Teachers - consultation

The Teacher Task Force is organizing a consultation to receive inputs from TTF members on the outline of the first Global Report on Teachers, which will be produced jointly by UNESCO and the TTF. This biennial report will fill a gap within a body of global public goods and aim to use data and analysis to improve teacher-related education policies and programmes focusing on different thematic areas. Its first edition will examine teacher shortages looking at data, the multiplicity of causes, possible factors to address the issue, financing, future research and recommendations.

The aim of the consultation is to receive inputs from TTF members on the outline of the report. Members are invited to provide their inputs on topics and data, case studies, best practices, share relevant bibliography, and major issues that have been not included in the outline. Oral and written comments are welcome during the consultation on 24th May, and written comments also via an online form until 7th June.

The focal points of the Teacher Task Force members who have their accounts on the Knowledge Platform Working Space, can consult the concept note of the consultation here.

If you are a Teacher Task Force member and your focal point doesn't have an account on the Working Space, you can request it here.

  • 28.04.2023

Global Teacher Prize – call for nominations 2023

We are pleased to announce the open Call for Applications and Nominations for the 2023 edition of the Global Teacher Prize, which will be awarded this year, at a side event, during UNESCO’s General Conference.

Launched in 2014, during the second edition of the Global Education and Skills Forum, in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), the Prize is funded and organized by the Varkey Foundation, in collaboration with UNESCO, and in strategic partnership with Dubai Cares.

By aiming to highlight the central role of educators in all parts of the world, as well as the importance of acknowledging and valuing teachers’ impact on their students and on their communities, the Prize will reward an exceptional teacher who has made an outstanding contribution to their profession. As a result, the selected laureate is presented with a US $1 million award.

Candidates must be currently working as teachers of school-aged children, spend at least ten hours per week teaching face-to-face, and plan to remain in the teaching profession for the next five years.

Applications and nominations may be submitted after registration in the dedicated awards platform 

Candidates will be evaluated by a prominent Global Teacher Prize Academy, composed of various civil society members, including head-teachers, educational experts, commentators, journalists, public officials, tech entrepreneurs, company directors and scientists, from different parts of the world.

  • The required criteria for eligibility may be consulted here
  • Contact: Ms Nicole Lui (, Executive Director at the Varkey Foundation
  • 28.04.2023

UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education – call for nominations 2023


On International Women’s Day, UNESCO launched the call for nominations for the 2023 UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education. The Prize awards US$ 50,000 annually to two laureates making outstanding efforts in favor of girls’ and women’s education.

Interested candidates are invited to contact their country’s National Commission for UNESCO/Permanent Delegation to UNESCO, or an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO for more information.

Nominations must meet the eligibility and selection criteria set by the Prize. Nominated projects must be established and running for at least two years and show potential to be replicable and scalable. An independent International Jury of five experts will assess nominations on the basis of the project’s potential for impact, innovation and sustainability.

Based on the recommendations of the Jury, the Director-General of UNESCO will announce the 2023 laureates who will receive the award around 11 October 2023 as part of International Day of the Girl celebrations.

  • 31.03.2023

Survey on Culture and Arts Education

​​​​​​The survey is open, deadline 15 April 2023. Link to the survey.

This online survey aims to seek the views of educators in culture and arts education. It was designed by the World Alliance for Arts Education (WAAE), in consultation with UNESCO. The World Alliance for Arts Education is a network of four organizations: International Drama/Theatre and Education Association (IDEA), International Society for Education through Art (InSEA), International Society for Music Education (ISME) and World Dance Alliance (WDA).

Culture and arts education take on complex meanings to different people worldwide. Convinced  that culture and arts education, in its diversity, shape a more sustainable and peaceful future for people and the planet, we are asking professionals working in culture and arts education to help us identify the current and near future challenges and needs of teachers and educators, cultural and social workers, artists, as well as community organizers around the world who are often at the frontline of addressing the shifting priorities and challenges in this field.

The results of this questionnaire will contribute to the global consultation process to develop a UNESCO Framework for Culture and Arts Education. The development of the UNESCO Framework responds to the call by Member States in 2021 to update guidance to address current trends, issues and priorities in culture and arts education, as well as factoring in a broader understanding of culture that has emerged in recent years, including heritage, the cultural and creative industries, and the influence of digital technologies.

The 20-minute online survey comprises a series of 18 questions. The survey is being distributed through relevant networks of the WAAE and UNESCO. Participation is voluntary and the data collected is anonymous. If you wish to participate in this study, survey completion will represent consent.