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  • 24.05.2023

Artificial Intelligence for Educators: ethical challenges, practices and guidelines

The recent raise of conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications such as ChatGPT is raising questions among educators and education leaders: how to deal with AI-related plagiarism? Should these tools be banned from schools? Is it possible to integrate them safely and effectively in teaching settings? How to build critical knowledge on AI systems among educators, to make sure that the management of educational data is secure, privacy-proof and used for the common good?

AI tools can potentially enhance teaching, learning and assessment, but at the same time they must be handled with care, to avoid harmful consequences.

The webinar will focus on the concept of Ethical AI, that is the development, deployment and use of AI that ensures compliance with ethical norms, principles and core values. Specifically, the recent “Ethical guidelines on the use of artificial intelligence and data in teaching and learning for educators” by the European Commission will be presented and illustrated with practical examples.  

At the end of the webinar, an open session will take place to collect ideas from the members of the ETF Community of Innovative Educators on new activities to be developed within the community.

Please register at this link.

  • 22.05.2023

ASEAN Regional Forum on the Future of Education

The COVID-19 pandemic brought forth educational transformation overnight, resulting in increased digitalization and the rise of online and hybrid learning. It also brought on challenges such as inequity in access to education and learning loss.

The “Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum on the Future of Education” will be convened on 24-26 May 2023, via video conference, to discuss inclusive recovery from the challenges brought on by the pandemic and explore steps to invest in the future of education. The ASEAN Secretariat will host the forum virtually, as it will shape the Future of Education Flagship Reports and Policy Briefs, which will include future-oriented insights, recommendations, and pathways for the transformation of education toward attaining ASEAN Education 2050.

The ASEAN Regional Forum on the Future of Education” will discuss 3 thematic areas: 

  • Transforming Education Agendas: Building the Future We Want
  • Teacher Development: Innovations and Best Practices for the Future of Education and Beyond
  • Inclusive ASEAN 2050: Building Equitable Societies and Learning Cities

On 25th May, the session entitled "THE FUTURE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING" will be led by the Teacher Development Chief of Section and the Head of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 Secretariat M. Carlos Vargas, as he will present the impacts of the developments in the educational technologies brought about by the 4th industrial revolution on the future of education in the region. Teacher education experts on ICT will be invited to define the connection between learning, teaching, new education goals, and employability. 

For more information and to register, visit the official website of the conference.

  • 22.05.2023

ASEAN Regional Forum on the Future of Education

The COVID-19 pandemic brought forth educational transformation overnight, resulting in increased digitalization and the rise of online and hybrid learning. It also brought on challenges such as inequity in access to education and learning loss.

The “Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum on the Future of Education” will be convened on 24-26 May 2023, via video conference, to discuss inclusive recovery from the challenges brought on by the pandemic and explore steps to invest in the future of education. The ASEAN Secretariat will host the forum virtually, as it will shape the Future of Education Flagship Reports and Policy Briefs, which will include future-oriented insights, recommendations, and pathways for the transformation of education toward attaining ASEAN Education 2050.

The ASEAN Regional Forum on the Future of Education” will discuss 3 thematic areas: 

  • Transforming Education Agendas: Building the Future We Want
  • Teacher Development: Innovations and Best Practices for the Future of Education and Beyond
  • Inclusive ASEAN 2050: Building Equitable Societies and Learning Cities

On 25th May, the session entitled "THE FUTURE OF TEACHING AND LEARNING" will be led by the Teacher Development Chief of Section and the Head of the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 Secretariat M. Carlos Vargas, as he will present the impacts of the developments in the educational technologies brought about by the 4th industrial revolution on the future of education in the region. Teacher education experts on ICT will be invited to define the connection between learning, teaching, new education goals, and employability. 

For more information and to register, visit the official website of the conference.

  • 19.05.2023

KIX EAP Education Policy and Innovation Conference 2023 (EPIC)

The second KIX Education Policy and Innovation Conference aims to create a forum for intensifying dialogue between researchers, policymakers, and practitioners from the Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa. The conference will provide a venue for bridging the seemingly perennial gap between research, policy, and practice. In bringing together educational sector experts and institutions, the conference will mobilize knowledge and provide visibility to national and regional expertise. It welcomes recent data-driven research and best practice, which addresses current national and regional challenges and provides prospective solutions.

Join the panel discussion on Improving coverage and quality in early childhood education 8 June 11:30am (Zurich time) during which UNESCO will present the work done in the framework of the 2022 UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), with the support of the Teacher Task Force and its thematic group on ECCE, led by VVOB - education for development.

For more information and to register, visit the official website of the conference.

  • 19.05.2023

KIX EAP Education Policy and Innovation Conference 2023 (EPIC)

The second KIX Education Policy and Innovation Conference aims to create a forum for intensifying dialogue between researchers, policymakers, and practitioners from the Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe, Middle East and North Africa. The conference will provide a venue for bridging the seemingly perennial gap between research, policy, and practice. In bringing together educational sector experts and institutions, the conference will mobilize knowledge and provide visibility to national and regional expertise. It welcomes recent data-driven research and best practice, which addresses current national and regional challenges and provides prospective solutions.

Join the panel discussion on Improving coverage and quality in early childhood education 8 June 11:30am (Zurich time) during which UNESCO will present the work done in the framework of the 2022 UNESCO World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), with the support of the Teacher Task Force and its thematic group on ECCE, led by VVOB - education for development.

For more information and to register, visit the official website of the conference.