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Global Report on Teachers

The new biennial Teacher Task Force & UNESCO Global reports on teachers will support teachers and quality teaching with up-to-date knowledge and analysis to advance evidence-based policy-making to ensure that all children have access to quality learning opportunities.

Currently, there are no dedicated global reports which aim to systematically capture and reproduce global, regional and national data and analysis on the progress towards SDG goal 4.c. This report will fill a gap within a body of global public goods and aim to use data and analysis to improve teacher-related education policies and programmes.

The objectives of the new biennial report will be to:

  • monitor global progress towards achieving SDG 4. c. through the co-collection and presentation of relevant data and indicators at the global, regional and national levels, drawing from a wide variety of sources and allowing for a comparative analysis between countries and regions and progress over time;
  • analyse on pressing and topical issues facing the teaching profession, which can support or hinder progress towards the SDG 4 targets;
  • draw on the experience within the Teacher Task Force membership, to present evidence-based good practice and recommendations for policy-makers and other stakeholders;
  • advocate and draw attention to the need for greater investment in the teaching profession, turning the spotlight on the critical role of teachers and educators more broadly as well as the need for more and better internationally comparable data to track progress.

Global Report on Teachers 2024: Addressing teacher shortages and transforming the profession

As we approach the 2030 Agenda deadline, the pivotal role of teachers in achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 aiming to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all has become increasingly apparent. However, a global shortage of teachers is hindering access to education, with a projected deficit of 44 million teachers to achieve primary and secondary universal eduation by 2030. The result is overcrowded classrooms, diminished teaching quality, and limited learning opportunities, especially in underserved communities.

The first UNESCO and Teacher Task Force Global Report on Teachers examines this urgent global challenge by drawing on new data and research. Entitled “Addressing teacher shortages and transforming the profession,” it provides practical insights and best practices to enhance teacher recruitment, retention, and professional development. It is underpinned by the belief that an empowered and well-supported teaching workforce is essential for fostering quality education and lifelong learning.

Launched at the 14th Policy Dialogue Forum in Johannesburg on 26 February 2024, the Global Report on Teachers serves as a critical resource for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders dedicated to achieving SDG 4 of inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all. Rooted in a growing solidarity with teachers at the global level, aligned with the recommendations of the UN Secretary-General's High-level Panel on the Teaching Profession and the outcomes of the Transforming Education Summit, the Report seeks to translate these commitments into tangible action by offering actionable recommendations to address global teacher shortages.

Key themes of the Global Report on Teachers:

  • Teacher shortages: The Report explores the multifaceted causes and consequences of global teacher shortages, including a significant gap in education financing, the enduring repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ongoing evolution of digital technological advancements, such as artificial intelligence.
  • Transforming the profession: The Report advocates for dignifying, diversifying, and valorizing the teaching profession. It emphasizes the importance of improved working conditions, enhanced professional development, and increased teacher involvement in decision-making.
  • Policy recommendations: Offering a roadmap for action, the Report proposes policy solutions aimed at empowering educators and ensuring quality education for all learners, advocating for increased investment in teaching.

Based on the analysis and findings, the Report suggests six key recommendations to address global teacher shortages and transform the teaching profession. These recommendations aim to ensure an adequate supply of teachers to meet universal education goals, speed up progress towards SDG4 and its target 4.c, and advance the Education 2030 Agenda.

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Hero image credit: UNESCO/Erika Pineros