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  • 08.12.2020

Active Teaching & Learning

The starting point and inspiration for this guide to Active Teaching and Learning is largely adopted from the UNESCO-IICBA modules on ‘Fundamentals of Teacher Education Development’. Instead of...
  • 26.11.2020

New UNICEF study unveils challenges affecting teacher attendance in sub-Saharan Africa

This is a summary repost of the UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti article of which the full version can be consulted here

Important new research on teacher absenteeism in sub-Saharan Africa was launched 24 November at a regional online workshop of national and international education stakeholders organized in Nairobi, Kenya. Time to Teach: Teacher attendance and time on task in Eastern and Southern Africa, provides insights into the drivers of primary school teacher absenteeism, a major obstacle in efforts to address the learning crisis among children of low- and middle-income countries around the world.

Produced by UNICEF Innocenti, the report synthesizes findings from eight sub-Saharan countries with a focus on the many complex factors that affect teacher time on task across the region. The study provides robust evidence on the challenges faced by teachers to improve policies on teacher working conditions, accountability and motivation. Reduced teacher time on task is considered one of the greatest challenges toward inclusive and quality education.

Photo credit: screenshot from the UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti video

  • 09.04.2020

#EI25: Experiences and gains in fighting child labour

The leadership of Education International (EI) is applauded for demonstrating that education Unions are well placed to contribute to the elimination of child labour and promote quality education for...