What works in attracting and retaining teachers in challenging schools and areas?
Can financial incentives help disadvantaged schools to attract and retain high-performing teachers? Evidence from Chile
How to recruit teachers for hard-to-staff schools: A systematic review of evidence from low- and middle-income countries
School Leadership Network's second meeting
Organized in partnership with UNESCO GEM Report and the Teacher Task Force Secretariat, the meeting will convene school leaders, NGOs, Academia, policymakers, and other relevant stakeholders to provide inputs on relevant policies affecting school leaders on attraction and selection, development and shortages of teachers and teaching staff.
The School Leadership Network (SLN) Global Meetings are 90 minutes Zoom meetings, open to all network members and designed to promote deep and insightful conversations about school leadership. Conclusions that emerge from this meeting will contribute to UNESCO-TTF Report on Teacher Shortages and GEM Report 2024/5 on Education Leadership. To access further details about these two topics, click here.
Please register here to join the event.
Interpretation in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Indonesian will be available.
Effective approaches to attract and retain teachers and ensure equitable deployment: A contribution from the Teacher Task Force to the discussions of the High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession
Women in teaching: Understanding the gender dimension
Women in teaching: Understanding the gender dimension
Teaching for the future. Global engagement, sustainability and digital skills
2023 Global Report on Teachers - consultation
The Teacher Task Force is organizing a consultation to receive inputs from TTF members on the outline of the first Global Report on Teachers, which will be produced jointly by UNESCO and the TTF. This biennial report will fill a gap within a body of global public goods and aim to use data and analysis to improve teacher-related education policies and programmes focusing on different thematic areas. Its first edition will examine teacher shortages looking at data, the multiplicity of causes, possible factors to address the issue, financing, future research and recommendations.
The aim of the consultation is to receive inputs from TTF members on the outline of the report. Members are invited to provide their inputs on topics and data, case studies, best practices, share relevant bibliography, and major issues that have been not included in the outline. Oral and written comments are welcome during the consultation on 24th May, and written comments also via an online form until 7th June.
The focal points of the Teacher Task Force members who have their accounts on the Knowledge Platform Working Space, can consult the concept note of the consultation here.
If you are a Teacher Task Force member and your focal point doesn't have an account on the Working Space, you can request it here.