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  • 16.08.2023

KIX Africa 19 Hub Webinar on MHPSS for Teachers

Join the first KIX 2023 webinar, focusing on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for teachers. This webinar will serve as a platform for educators and education specialists in Africa to engage in a meaningful discussion on enhancing mental well-being and support systems for teachers.

Webinar Details

Topic: Mental Health: The Best Investment for Teachers in Africa? Subtopic: A Systemic Approach to Strengthening Mental Health & Psychosocial Support for Resilient Teachers and Learners in Africa

Date: Tuesday, 22nd August 2023

Time: 15:00-17:00hrs (East Africa Time)

Duration: 2 hours

Keynote Speaker, Dr. Christian Addai-Poku, Secretary General of AFTRA, Chief Executive of the National Teaching Council of Ghana, and President of Education International, Africa Region, will address the importance of prioritizing teachers' well-being and psychosocial support for better learning outcomes in Africa.

The webinar is organized under the framing of the KIX Africa 19 hub managed by UNESCO-IICBA, UNICEF ESARO and AUC-IPED, with the goal of fostering valuable insights into building a resilient teaching community. It aims to:

  1. present the key issues impacting teacher mental health and wellbeing
  2. share national and regional interventions on MHPSS for teachers; and
  3. identify strategies to create linkages with various stakeholders.

Join the webinar by registering via the Zoom link here and be a part of this crucial conversation.

  • 16.08.2023

KIX Africa 19 Hub Webinar on MHPSS for Teachers

Join the first KIX 2023 webinar, focusing on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) for teachers. This webinar will serve as a platform for educators and education specialists in Africa to engage in a meaningful discussion on enhancing mental well-being and support systems for teachers.

Webinar Details

Topic: Mental Health: The Best Investment for Teachers in Africa? Subtopic: A Systemic Approach to Strengthening Mental Health & Psychosocial Support for Resilient Teachers and Learners in Africa

Date: Tuesday, 22nd August 2023

Time: 15:00-17:00hrs (East Africa Time)

Duration: 2 hours

Keynote Speaker, Dr. Christian Addai-Poku, Secretary General of AFTRA, Chief Executive of the National Teaching Council of Ghana, and President of Education International, Africa Region, will address the importance of prioritizing teachers' well-being and psychosocial support for better learning outcomes in Africa.

The webinar is organized under the framing of the KIX Africa 19 hub managed by UNESCO-IICBA, UNICEF ESARO and AUC-IPED, with the goal of fostering valuable insights into building a resilient teaching community. It aims to:

  1. present the key issues impacting teacher mental health and wellbeing
  2. share national and regional interventions on MHPSS for teachers; and
  3. identify strategies to create linkages with various stakeholders.

Join the webinar by registering via the Zoom link here and be a part of this crucial conversation.

  • 21.10.2022

Not on my watch: International seminar on the role of teachers in preventing and addressing school violence and bullying

School violence and bullying including cyberbullying is widespread and affects a significant number of children and adolescents.

UNESCO Member States declared the first Thursday of November, the International Day against Violence and Bullying at School Including Cyberbullying, recognizing that school-related violence in all its forms is an infringement of children and adolescents’ rights to education and to health and well-being. It calls upon Member States, UN partners, other relevant international and regional organizations, as well as civil society, including non-governmental organizations, individuals and other stakeholders to help promote, celebrate and facilitate the international day.

The 2022 International Day against Violence and Bullying at School including Cyberbullying highlights the important role teachers play in making school a safe space for all learners.  Teachers are at the heart of the solution and need to feel empowered, capable and ready to act. Yet more training and stronger support from the school and beyond is urgently needed.

School violence can be devastating. The children and young people affected can find it difficult to concentrate in class, miss classes, or drop out of school altogether. This has an adverse impact on academic achievement and future prospects. The atmosphere of anxiety, fear and insecurity is incompatible with learning and undermines the quality of learning for everyone.

At the global level, partners and schools will mobilize around this year’s theme, “Not on my watch: the role of teachers in preventing and addressing school violence”. An international seminar will be hosted by UNESCO on 3 November 2022, at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, and online.

See more information here.

Register here to join the seminar.

  • 26.04.2021

Conversations on Teaching during COVID-19 Webinar Series

At the end of 2020, the OECD, UNESCO and the Teacher Task Force launched a campaign to hear from teachers around the world about their experience of teaching during the pandemic. We asked them to send in videos describing how they adapted to the crisis, and many wonderful and fascinating insights were shared. These are now publicly available in the Global Teaching InSights platform

To build on this extraordinary work by teachers, we are hosting a series of interactive virtual Conversations on Teaching During Covid-19. Each conversation will bring together a panel of teachers around a common theme to talk more about the challenges they faced and how they have responded in innovative ways.

If you are a teacher or school leader, we invite you join us in these conversations and take part in a deeper discussion on the innovations we saw from teachers around the world. 

Each conversation will be hosted on Zoom Meeting and will be fully interactive, with all participants encouraged to join the discussion.

  • 8 April - Conversation 1: Learning continuity and innovative pedagogy (hosted by UNESCO). Watch the meeting recording.
  • 15 April - Conversation 2: Social-emotional support in a time of crisis (hosted by UNESCO). Watch the meeting recording.
  • 22 April - Conversation 3: Building a stronger profession together (hosted by the OECD). 

Find out more about the starring teachers:

Conversation 1: Learning continuity and innovative pedagogy (Watch the meeting recording)

  • Thomas Harefa from Indonesia shares how he has brought the students back to the center of the teaching practice through self-paced learning
  • Sandeepa Chavan from Ghana shares her experience on making learning fun and enjoyable.
  • Amit Bansal from India shares how he used coding to teach mathematics and geometrics.
  • Seenu Atoll School from the Maldives promotes a creative reading programme for early childhood education.


Conversation 2: Social-emotional support in a time of crisis (Watch the meeting recording)

  • Marina Watt  from Hong Kong (China) shares how she created “affirmation cards” that help students focus to positive thinking. 
  • Nana Gulic  from Croatia shares how she developed resources to help students verbalize their emotions and shared them in an online platform.
  • Noemi Baysa  from the Philippines develops a global citizen project
  • Daniel Antonio Jiménez  from Colombia had his students create music with homemade instruments, involving their families as well.


Conversation 3: Building a stronger profession together


Closing Webinar:  Rethinking the classroom after COVID-19: Insights and innovations from teachers (Register to participate or watch on YouTube)

  • Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills, OECD
  • Borhene Chakroun, Director of the Division of Policies and Lifelong Learning, UNESCO
  • Catherine Gregory, Director of Teaching and Learning / Head of English at Cheadle Hume School in the United Kingdom
  • Fernando Mesquita, Educational Leader at a school in Brazil
  • Filipa Matos, History and Citizenship Teacher in Portugal
  • Eirene Christa Luturmas, Elementary School Teacher in Indonesia