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  • 2020
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Seminar Series on The Future of the Teaching Profession in Africa 2020 - Consensus Document

This Consensus Document is the outcome of the third seminar series on The Future of the Teaching Profession in Africa 2020  and the high level discussion which took place in the fall 2020, in the occasion of the World Teachers’ Day celebrations.

Participants included more than 60 senior representatives of teacher unions and Ministries of Education, international organizations and other stakeholders from the African region. The teacher union and ministry officials represented eight countries: Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Mali, Mozambique, South Africa, and Uganda.

This document outlines the principles, actions and strategies that governments should adopt, in partnership with teachers and their representative organisations, supported by international, continental and regional organisations, to build more resilient education systems.