Policy Paper on Teacher Professional Learning on ICT - Palestine
The Palestinian Authority with support from the Belgian Development Cooperation implemented from 2011 till 2015 the project “E-learning Curriculum in Primary and Secondary Education” in several hundred Palestinian schools. The aim of the project was to utilize ICTs in school education in order to enhance student-centred learning and stimulate 21st Century Skills in Palestine. An Intervention Action Research was conducted in 2014-15 with the main aim to provide upstream policy advice to the Ministry of Education and Higher Education towards improving and advancing e-learning resources and practices for teachers, students and families. The Action Research was assigned to a consortium of the Open University of Cyprus and the Al-Quds Open University which produced the following Policy Papers:
0. Policy Paper on Information and Communication Technology in Education (ICTE)
1. Policy Paper on School-led Initiatives (SLI)
2. Policy Paper on Digital Educational Resources (DER)
3. Policy Paper on mobile Learning (m-L)
4. Policy Paper on Teacher Professional Learning (TPL)
5. Policy Paper on 21st Century Skills (21CS)
The policy papers are based on a “Most Significant Change” study from over a hundred school communities (teachers, students, headmasters, parents, administrators) that participated in the e-Learning project, on two 4-month long Action Research projects in two sets of ten schools, on extensive discussions and feedback from supervisors and MoEHE staff, and detailed review by the staff from the Belgian Development Agency.