Critical issues for formulating new teacher policies in Latin America and the Caribbean: the current debate
The aim of the Regional Strategy on Teacher Policies from the Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago) is to produce and disseminate specialized knowledge to contribute to the formulation of policies on the teaching profession in Latin American and Caribbean countries. The first phase of the Strategy (2011 and 2012) involved producing a state-of-the-art study on teacher policies in the region and a series of criteria and guidelines for policy-making. This task involved renowned experts and the contributions from national discussion groups set up for this purpose in eight of the region’s countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Trinidad and Tobago).
The drafting process for that document and the teacher policy guidelines revealed four key areas: initial education; service training and professional development; teaching career and working conditions; and institutions and processes of teacher policies.