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  • 05.05.2020

Webinar - Engaging marginalised learners during the COVID 19 Pandemic

VSO International is organising a webinar to bring together effective practices and further ideas of actions that can be undertaken to engage learners who have found it difficult to continue their education during the COVID 19 pandemic. It will consider the role of volunteers as part of a community response and the use of community resources. 

The webinar aims to: 

  1. bring people together who have examples of how teachers, volunteers and communities can work in a crisis to support continuity of learning for all. The focus is particularly on marginalised learners and the use of volunteers, people, skills, organisations and resources already in communities; 
  2. identify and evaluate approaches that enable or build upon community resilience while maintaining safety so as to create exemplars that can be documented and disseminated using a range of methods including the snapshot summaries developed by MESHGuides; 
  3. explore the extent and nature of marginalisation of learners to identify key factors that need to be addressed by the different stakeholders in education in their pandemic/disaster recovery documents. 
  • 19.03.2020

Responses to COVID-19 education disruption

At the time of writing this article, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic affecting the world has led to nationwide school closures in 102 countries and localised school closures in 11 countries, impacting at the time of publication over 860 million children and youth. This means that teachers, parents and students have to adapt on a daily basis to changing situations.

The international community is mobilising to provide resources to education systems from the national to the global level. Below is a non-exhaustive list of information, recommendations and resources put together by the Teacher Task Force members. We will continue to update it with relevant information.

We are also encouraging members and experts to send us any news about how you and your respective countries/organisations/institutions are coping with this crisis.


UNESCO has created a UNESCO-COVID-19 Emergency Task Force to support national education systems impacted by sharing effective policy responses through a series of webinars as well as a curated list of freely accessible learning applications and platforms.

UNESCO also launched a Global Education Coalition to facilitate inclusive learning opportunities for children and youth, putting together international organisations, private sector companies, CSOs and NGOs as well as international networks.

UNESCO is also collating testimonies of students, education staff and parents on the realities of distance learning and continuing with education despite the school closures. You can wtach the videos on their website.

Their dedicated website is available in:

The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education joined forces with UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Education (INRULED) to produce a new Handbook on Flexible Learning during COVID-19 and released a special publication entitled “Handbook on Facilitating Flexible Learning During Educational Disruption: The Chinese Experience in Maintaining Undisrupted Learning in COVID-19 Outbreak”.


UNICEF has developed an information hub containing the latest updates as well as explanations for teachers and parents available in:

They have also published a Guidance document together with the WHO and the IFRC. The purpose of this document is to provide clear and actionable guidance for safe operations through the prevention, early detection and control of COVID-19 in schools and other educational facilities.

It is available for download in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.


INEE has published a list of resources that have been collected to support the provision of education in places affected by COVID-19, with particular focus on distance learning, alternative education, e-learning, and psychosocial support.

The resources are available in:


Keeping the doors of learning open COVID-19: the Commonwealth of Leaning has compiled a selection of resources and tools as a first response to this crisis, as well as guidelines to use OER.

The Commonwealth of Learning has also launched a partnership called the International Partnership of Distance and Online Learning for COVID-19, bringing together institutions and organizations committed to supporting learning in these times of crisis.

International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)

The International Council for Open and Distance Education has put together tools and resources to help educators deliver quality distance and online teaching.

They are also launching a global campaign called #learningtogether to share knowledge, expertise and best practices.

Teach for All

The Teach for All team developed the Virtual Navigator as a resource hub to support network partners in implementing virtual learning and convenings for staff, participants, recruits, and other stakeholders.

Virtual Leaning Navigator available in English.

Carey Institute for Global Good

Their Centre for Learning in Practice team is putting together plans to support learning in emergencies and have scheduled informational webinars and trainings on how to move leaning online.

Moving Teaching & Learning Online.

Right to Play

In the midst of the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak, Right to Play is using games to teach young children in their programs the importance of washing their hands thoroughly and regularly to prevent the spread of the virus.

More information on their website.

  • pdf
  • 09.04.2020

Thinking about Pedagogy in an Unfolding Pandemic

An Independent report on approaches to distance learning during the COVID19 school closures. Report written by Armand Doucet, Dr. Deborah Netolicky, Koen Timmers and Francis Jim Tuscano to inform the...
Manual / Handbook / Guidelines
  • 09.04.2020

The COVID-19 Learning Pathway

The COVID-19 Learning Pathway is an online course that aims to enable humanitarians, including local responders, to be best equipped to respond to the global pandemic COVID-19 (Coronavirus). It...
Image / Film
  • 09.04.2020

Teaching in the times of coronavirus

Learn how to teach your students online with videos on face-to-face vs. online teaching, strategies for online methodology, online presence, strategies for active participation online, creating a...