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Policy document
  • pdf
  • 02.12.2022
  • ES

Global framework of professional teaching standards

This document outlines a Professional Teaching Standards Framework for teachers. The framework focuses on clarifying and specifying teaching standards aimed at enhancing equitable and quality...
Declaration / Statement
  • pdf
  • 01.12.2022
  • FR  |  ES  |  AR

Youth declaration on transforming education

The Youth Declaration was presented as young people’s inputs to the Transforming Education Summit Chair Summary/Secretary-General’s Vision Statement. Its aim is to drive political commitment on the...
  • 29.11.2022

Transforming Education follow-up - Regional Youth Consultations

The Transforming Education Summit, convened by the UN Secretary-General and a key initiative of Our Common Agenda, was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for key stakeholders to come together and map a new path for education with a view to elevate education to the top of the global political agenda and to mobilize action, ambition, solidarity and solutions.  
It created space for inter-generational dialogue between youth and key decision-makers, ensuring that young people's aspirations for the futures of education were brought to the forefront. 

At the summit, the Youth Declaration on Transforming Education – a historical document representing the outcome of an extensive consultation process with nearly half a million youth from over 170 countries and territories - was presented to the Secretary-General and world leaders. Its aim is to drive political commitment on the need to transform education and build young people’s ownership over this process by outlining young people’s collective vision, demands, and commitments on education transformation.  

As a follow-up to the summit, a Global Youth Initiative will provide a strategic framework for collective action to take the recommendations of the Youth Declaration forward, localize them at the regional and country levels, and support the growth of a bottom up education global movement.  

In order to gather young people’s inputs on the priorities, opportunities, and challenges/supports need to transform the youth declaration recommendations into concrete actions at the local, national, and regional levels, the SDG4 Youth Network together with other youth and student networks is hosting regional youth consultations in November 2022. The input from these consultations will feed into development of the broader Global Youth Initiative, which will presented to the SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee in December 2022.  

The objectives of the regional youth consultations are to: 

  • Gather young people’s, including young teachers', inputs focused on the priorities, opportunities, and challenges/supports needed to transform the youth declaration recommendations into concrete actions at the local, national, and regional levels.
  • Help shape the Global Youth Initiative, which will take forward the recommendations of the Youth Declaration.
  • Identify support needed to enable and empower young people at the country and regional levels to continue engaging meaningfully in the Summit follow up.

All young teachers, students, youth leaders, youth networks and organizations working and advocating for young people in education are welcome to attend. However, during the consultation, it is youth who will voice their ideas/inputs. A report will be prepared after each Regional youth Consultation, which will inform the development of the Global Youth Initiative. 

Africa Regional Youth Consultation 
Date: 17 November 
Time: 3pm Dakar time / 6pm Nairobi time 
LINK to register: 

Caribbean Regional Youth Consultation 
Date: 23 November 
Time: 6pm -8pm EST 
LINK to register: 

Arab States Regional Youth Consultation (In Arabic) 
Date: 26 November 
Time: 4pm -6pm CET 
LINK to register: 

North America Regional Youth Consultation 
Date: 26 November 
Time: 6:30-8:30pm CET 
LINK to register: 

Europe Regional Youth Consultation 
Date: 30 November
Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm CET 
LINK to register: 

Asia Pacific Regional Youth Consultation (TBC) 
Date: 7 December 
Time: 9am-11am CET 
LINK to register:

  • 29.11.2022

Transforming Education follow-up - Regional Youth Consultations

The Transforming Education Summit, convened by the UN Secretary-General and a key initiative of Our Common Agenda, was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for key stakeholders to come together and map a new path for education with a view to elevate education to the top of the global political agenda and to mobilize action, ambition, solidarity and solutions.  
It created space for inter-generational dialogue between youth and key decision-makers, ensuring that young people's aspirations for the futures of education were brought to the forefront. 

At the summit, the Youth Declaration on Transforming Education – a historical document representing the outcome of an extensive consultation process with nearly half a million youth from over 170 countries and territories - was presented to the Secretary-General and world leaders. Its aim is to drive political commitment on the need to transform education and build young people’s ownership over this process by outlining young people’s collective vision, demands, and commitments on education transformation.  

As a follow-up to the summit, a Global Youth Initiative will provide a strategic framework for collective action to take the recommendations of the Youth Declaration forward, localize them at the regional and country levels, and support the growth of a bottom up education global movement.  

In order to gather young people’s inputs on the priorities, opportunities, and challenges/supports need to transform the youth declaration recommendations into concrete actions at the local, national, and regional levels, the SDG4 Youth Network together with other youth and student networks is hosting regional youth consultations in November 2022. The input from these consultations will feed into development of the broader Global Youth Initiative, which will presented to the SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee in December 2022.  

The objectives of the regional youth consultations are to: 

  • Gather young people’s, including young teachers', inputs focused on the priorities, opportunities, and challenges/supports needed to transform the youth declaration recommendations into concrete actions at the local, national, and regional levels.
  • Help shape the Global Youth Initiative, which will take forward the recommendations of the Youth Declaration.
  • Identify support needed to enable and empower young people at the country and regional levels to continue engaging meaningfully in the Summit follow up.

All young teachers, students, youth leaders, youth networks and organizations working and advocating for young people in education are welcome to attend. However, during the consultation, it is youth who will voice their ideas/inputs. A report will be prepared after each Regional youth Consultation, which will inform the development of the Global Youth Initiative. 

Africa Regional Youth Consultation 
Date: 17 November 
Time: 3pm Dakar time / 6pm Nairobi time 
LINK to register: 

Caribbean Regional Youth Consultation 
Date: 23 November 
Time: 6pm -8pm EST 
LINK to register: 

Arab States Regional Youth Consultation (In Arabic) 
Date: 26 November 
Time: 4pm -6pm CET 
LINK to register: 

North America Regional Youth Consultation 
Date: 26 November 
Time: 6:30-8:30pm CET 
LINK to register: 

Europe Regional Youth Consultation 
Date: 30 November
Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm CET 
LINK to register: 

Asia Pacific Regional Youth Consultation (TBC) 
Date: 7 December 
Time: 9am-11am CET 
LINK to register:

  • 29.11.2022

Transforming Education follow-up - Regional Youth Consultations

The Transforming Education Summit, convened by the UN Secretary-General and a key initiative of Our Common Agenda, was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for key stakeholders to come together and map a new path for education with a view to elevate education to the top of the global political agenda and to mobilize action, ambition, solidarity and solutions.  
It created space for inter-generational dialogue between youth and key decision-makers, ensuring that young people's aspirations for the futures of education were brought to the forefront. 

At the summit, the Youth Declaration on Transforming Education – a historical document representing the outcome of an extensive consultation process with nearly half a million youth from over 170 countries and territories - was presented to the Secretary-General and world leaders. Its aim is to drive political commitment on the need to transform education and build young people’s ownership over this process by outlining young people’s collective vision, demands, and commitments on education transformation.  

As a follow-up to the summit, a Global Youth Initiative will provide a strategic framework for collective action to take the recommendations of the Youth Declaration forward, localize them at the regional and country levels, and support the growth of a bottom up education global movement.  

In order to gather young people’s inputs on the priorities, opportunities, and challenges/supports need to transform the youth declaration recommendations into concrete actions at the local, national, and regional levels, the SDG4 Youth Network together with other youth and student networks is hosting regional youth consultations in November 2022. The input from these consultations will feed into development of the broader Global Youth Initiative, which will presented to the SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee in December 2022.  

The objectives of the regional youth consultations are to: 

  • Gather young people’s, including young teachers', inputs focused on the priorities, opportunities, and challenges/supports needed to transform the youth declaration recommendations into concrete actions at the local, national, and regional levels.
  • Help shape the Global Youth Initiative, which will take forward the recommendations of the Youth Declaration.
  • Identify support needed to enable and empower young people at the country and regional levels to continue engaging meaningfully in the Summit follow up.

All young teachers, students, youth leaders, youth networks and organizations working and advocating for young people in education are welcome to attend. However, during the consultation, it is youth who will voice their ideas/inputs. A report will be prepared after each Regional youth Consultation, which will inform the development of the Global Youth Initiative. 

Africa Regional Youth Consultation 
Date: 17 November 
Time: 3pm Dakar time / 6pm Nairobi time 
LINK to register: 

Caribbean Regional Youth Consultation 
Date: 23 November 
Time: 6pm -8pm EST 
LINK to register: 

Arab States Regional Youth Consultation (In Arabic) 
Date: 26 November 
Time: 4pm -6pm CET 
LINK to register: 

North America Regional Youth Consultation 
Date: 26 November 
Time: 6:30-8:30pm CET 
LINK to register: 

Europe Regional Youth Consultation 
Date: 30 November
Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm CET 
LINK to register: 

Asia Pacific Regional Youth Consultation (TBC) 
Date: 7 December 
Time: 9am-11am CET 
LINK to register: