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    Displaying 21 - 27 of 27

    • 2020

    Addressing anti-semitism in schools: training curriculum for school directors

    This publication is part of a four-volume set of training curricula to address anti-Semitism in schools. This volume focuses on the training curriculum for school directors. Each volume in this set aims to assist trainers in the field of education globally to work effectively towards strengthening the capacity of teachers to prevent and respond to antiSemitism, this specific and highly dangerous type of prejudice directed at Jewish people. In this sense, the curriculum addresses anti-Semitic prejudice and perceptions of Jews, phenomena which often also fulfil a social and political function in societies around the world; it is not material aimed at preparing teachers for intercultural dialogue.

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    • 2020

    Addressing anti-semitism in schools: training curriculum for primary education teachers

    This publication is part of a four-volume set of training curricula to address anti-Semitism in schools. This volume focuses on the training curriculum for primary education teachers. Each volume in this set aims to assist trainers in the field of education globally to work effectively towards strengthening the capacity of teachers to prevent and respond to antiSemitism, this specific and highly dangerous type of prejudice directed at Jewish people. In this sense, the curriculum addresses anti-Semitic prejudice and perceptions of Jews, phenomena which often also fulfil a social and political function in societies around the world; it is not material aimed at preparing teachers for intercultural dialogue.

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    • 2014

    Teaching respect for all: implementation guide

    This Teaching Respect for All Implementation Guide comprises a set of policy guidelines, questions for self-reflection, ideas and examples of learning activities to integrate Teaching Respect for All into all aspects of upper primary and lower secondary education, in an effort to counteract discrimination in and through education. It mainly targets policy makers, administrators/headteachers and formal and informal educators. 

    Part 2 targets headteachers and education NGO managers, suggesting key areas of intervention with a list of possible actions/activities and Part 3 targets teachers and describes methods of dealing with difficult topics such as racism and discrimination with learners as well as provides suggestions for possible entry points and topics to link the issues of respect for all with particular teaching subjects.

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    • 2016

    Mobile mentoring for primary school teachers in crisis contexts

    The following curriculum provides the content for a new mobile mentoring initiative developed to accompany the Teachers in Crisis Contexts Working Group ‘Training for primary school teachers in crisis contexts’ ( The material is intended to provide additional layers of instructional and emotional support via mobile technology to inexperienced and under trained teachers in the most difficult of teaching contexts. 

    It has been designed to support both the Initial Training Pack and the Extended Training Pack and builds on the competency areas covered in both sets of trainings; ‘Teacher Role and Well Being’, ‘Child Protection, Well-being and Inclusion’, ‘Pedagogy’, ‘Curriculum and Planning’. The content provides teaching tips, motivational messages, reflection and discussion questions, plus images and video suggestions.

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    • 2016

    Training for primary school teachers in crisis contexts

    The training pack responds to a critical gap in open source, competency based teacher training materials that provide coverage of foundational knowledge and skills required by teachers in crisis contexts, where teacher training is often limited to ad hoc workshops. The pack provides the basis for an in-service training program which can be used in its entirety to prepare unqualified teachers, but is also flexible enough for adaptation and use of selected modules or sessions according to the contextual needs of teachers. The pack provides foundational teacher training content on Teacher’s Role & Well-being; Child Protection, Well-being & Inclusion; Pedagogy; Curriculum & Planning; and Subject Knowledge.

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    Teachers in crisis contexts peer coaching pack

    In crisis contexts, where many teachers are untrained or undertrained, continued support is needed most; yet professional development in these settings is sporadic, of varied quality and often lacks any follow up support post-training. To address this lack of quality professional support for teachers in crisis contexts, the Teachers in Crisis Contexts Reference Group (TiCC) published the Training for Primary School Teachers in Crisis Contexts training pack in March 2016, a competency-based training designed specifically for teachers working in emergency settings.

    Following the publication of the training pack, the TiCC began work on complementary Peer Coaching materials. Peer Coaching is continuous professional development (CPD) led by teachers for teachers. The continuous support teachers are able to provide to one another through Peer Coaching helps teachers make sustained positive changes in their teaching practice. Peer Coaching provides this support through two main activities: 1) Teacher Learning Circles (TLCs), and 2) Classroom Observations.

    The main components include: The Facilitator’s Guide; Peer Coaching Toolkit, Level 1 - TLCs only; and Peer Coaching Toolkit, Level 2 - TLCs plus classroom observations.

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