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Teacher Task Force consultation on ECCE teaching personnel

When: Monday, October 24, 2022 - 15:00 - Monday, October 24, 2022 - 16:30
  • International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030

Register here.

In preparation of the World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education, the Teacher Task Force thematic group on Early Childhood Education and Care and UNESCO are convening a consultation to discuss the first draft of a new research paper on ECCE personnel. This new paper will be an important input into the discussions to take place during the World Conference around ECCE personnel and help frame future discussions around this key issue.

ECCE teaching staff and educators are one of the four main themes of the World Conference and the World Report on ECCE, particularly i) covering training systems including attraction, recruitment and gender disparities; ii) professionalization focusing on certification, licensing, career advancement and coaching; iii) supervision and leadership; iv) ECCE workforce in the non-state sector; and v) parenting.

The aim of this consultation meeting is to:

  • Receive feedback from members on the draft paper on ECCE personnel, share good practices and experiences, and bring together stakeholders to prepare for the conference.
  • Identify main issues to be discussed during the parallel session on teachers during the World Conference.

Interpretation in English, French and Spanish will be provided.